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The Marysville Police Department is proud to present the Citizen's Academy! In accordance with our mission to integrate our department with the community, we created the Marysville Police Citizen's Academy (MPDCA). It is our intent to provide citizens with a close look at the department, the officers, and the law enforcement services through interactive classroom activities, demonstrations and discussion.

The MPDCA provides a class-room style environment with mobile activities. The topics and activities include touring the department, laws of arrest, search, and seizure, SWAT, K-9, firearms, forced option simulations, gangs, our community oriented policing program, and much more! You will be encouraged to attend a police ride-along during the academy to experience law enforcement closely.

Our instructors include members of your Marysville Police Department. We will provide experts in each field from the Chief of Police to the veteran officers who patrol your streets. This program allows for interfacing at a personal level. You are encouraged to ask questions and learn both what we do and why we do it. It is our hope that the academy experience will be a positive way for our department and community to learn from each other. 

This program is not structured like a traditional police academy. There are no push-ups, shined boots, or drill instructors. The academy is tentatively scheduled over eight (8) weeks of instruction. The final class will be a graduation ceremony. We will accommodate any physical limitations. Classes begin at 1800 (6:00pm) and will consist of approximately two and a half hours of interaction. 

Citizen's Academy: Text
Marble Surface

Typical Schedule

Week 1

Meet the Chief, Vision and structure of the department, dispatch/records, tour

Week 2

Police Patrol Procedure, Traffic Stops,
DUI/DRE Investigations, Pedal Kart, DUI, Distracted Driving Course

Week 3

DUI Wet Lab, DUI Investigations

Week 4

Narcotics Investigations, Marijuana Laws

Week 5

CPI, Volunteer Programs, K9

Week 6

Shooting Simulator, Use of Force, 
Self-Defense Course

Week 7

Investigations, Fingerprinting, Timelines, Crime Scenes, VWAP

Week 8

Graduation Ceremony, City Council Presentation 


We are seeking 25 attendees. The requirements to apply are as follows:

  • You must be 18 years or older at the date of application

  • You must pass a background investigation


Flyer & Application

To download our Citizen's Academy Application, click here.

Please complete the application and submit to the MPDCA Coordinator by mail:

MPD Citizen's Academy
316 6th Street
Marysville, CA 95901

Citizen's Academy: Text

316 6th St • Marysville, CA 95901 • (530) 749-3900 Non-Emergency • Emergency 9-1-1

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